Thanks to online advertising we will help you have potential customers on your site that will increase your company's turnover. Our certified online marketing team will help you reach your business objectives


Defining your online marketing strategy may seem difficult at first for professionals who only partially know the inner workings of the digital world. Let us try to demonabolize this subject: it is obvious that certain knowledge is necessary and that a minimum of time must be invested in order to define a strategy that holds water. However, this discipline is not rocket science and it only takes a few tips to get a great return on investment. Online marketing is more profitable than so-called “traditional” marketing for several reasons. Among others, it is:

Accessible: it is considerably less expensive than conventional marketing - newspaper and TV advertising is very expensive or even overpriced.
Effective: it can reach a very large audience in a targeted manner - the information collected by search engines and social networks is particularly rich.
Authentic: social networks, blogs and even newsletters allow consumers to communicate easily and transparently.

The good news is, that creating your website and managing your digital presence has become easier than ever with the many tools that circulate on the Web. It only remains to figure out how to do it in the best possible way. This article introduces you to the fundamentals that allow you to develop an effective strategy:

Define your goals

The first step in implementing your strategy is to establish and prioritize your goals. It is obvious that you want your customers to perform certain actions (buy, register etc.) but your goal is above all to choose the key argument that will encourage them to perform the said actions. Do you want to promote an innovation? Differentiate yourself from your competitors? Prove the profits of your business? Determining your marketing goals will help you at each stage of your site creation and for each of your online activities.

Discover your positioning

This work must be done in parallel with the definition of your objectives. Understanding where you stand in comparison to competing services will help you analyze the market, establish your selling points and better understand the expectations of Internet users. Carry out a meticulous competitive intelligence in order to gather as much information as possible on your sector of activity and to define the strengths and weaknesses of your business. Once this analysis is completed, you will have enough strings to your bow to aim right during the next step: that of the target.

Choose your target

Most companies cater to specific communities and adapt to their expectations. A toy store will use a different vocabulary than that of a law firm. Try to understand who the typical surfer is interested in and speak to them in their language. In addition, if competitive intelligence has shown you that your competitors are mainly targeting young people and adolescents, it may be worth establishing a more household-oriented strategy - insofar as your products or services meet their needs. brand image as a whole depends on the choice of your target.

Select your tools

Different tools allow you to communicate and increase your visibility on the Web in order to achieve your objectives:

Website: at the heart of your digital presence, your website is your address on Google, serves as a showcase for your business on the Web and represents a unique means of communication with Internet users. By integrating a forum, an instant discussion platform or a personalized contact form, you offer your visitors choice channels to communicate directly with you. Obviously, you must present detailed contact information (e-mail, telephone, etc.) on your site in order to give them all the information they are looking for. These tips will be of great help to you.
Social networks: Having a professional page on Facebook is a proven must. Then, depending on the nature of your business, opening accounts on Twitter, Pinterest or Instagram could also be beneficial. Please note that if you want to improve your SEO, Google+ will be of great help to you.

Blog and newsletter: a common sense anonymous said "Information is the oxygen of modern times". By informing your customers by e-mail of your news and current affairs, you encourage them to (re) come to visit you and give new life to the visit to your site. In a similar vein, maintaining a blog is a great way to inform your visitors about your industry and to establish your expert status.
Advertising: a little publicity can never hurt. Google and facebook ads are particularly profitable since you only pay if a surfer clicks on your link. On Facebook, the targeting system is so advanced, it's hard to miss. If you want your ads to have the best impact, feel free to use Landing Pages (or landing pages).

Analyze and optimize your results

Google wasn’t built overnight. One of the most important steps in developing your marketing strategy is analysis. Where did you insure? What didn't work? Look at your results and draw the necessary conclusions. The Web is a dynamic environment that is constantly evolving. If you keep your eyes on your progress and optimize your results regularly, you will end up getting a pixel-perfect online marketing strategy that will inevitably appeal to consumers.